This might be a bit disjointed as my brain is getting tired after an intense session of hyperfocus working on my memoir, Bipolar Courage: are you sure you're not autistic? That second part is what 'Maxwell' had asked me. The memoir is about our intense connection and the clashes (from our strong-willed personalities plus our diagnoses). It's an unconventional love story. No kidding, when I was retyping a very symbolic part of my memoir, listening to music, I got up to where I had mentioned, 'Every Breath You Take' (The Police). Then I realised the song that was playing, was also from the same band. 'Every Little Thing she Does is Magic'. When I was also referencing this painting, Synchronity. Maxwell's painting, symbolising our connection. pattern recognition & coincidencesI love synchnronities. I often paint or write while listening to music. Sometimes, I'll choose a song and listen on repeat. Other times, I'll choose a starting song that fits my mood and let the songs choose themselves. I rarely skip a song when writing/painting. Clinicians say my extreme pattern recognition goes with my creative mind which is exaggerated by my diagnoses. The more elevated my mood is (bipolar disorder), the more synchronicities I notice. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences with no causal link. A psychiatrist insisted that all my patterns were 'just coincidences.' Well, he was shocked when I published a novel full of 'just coincidences.' I use the patternicity and links as complex layers in my story telling. Ending a session of hyperfocusI don't even know if Maxwell likes these songs as we have different tastes in music. I wasn't sure if I would mention song titles but I think I will mention some, that link strongly to the themes. I spent hours in hyperfocus tonight, working on the manuscript. The last song from working on the manuscript is 'More than a Feeling' (Boston). I am up to the final chapters, working on chapter 28. I am unsure whether I will do the two optional chapters or not to make it 30 chapters. Somehow, 29 chapters seems like a strange number. I will need to decide if I can split an existing chapter or write perhaps two shorter chapters to finish. The manuscript is currently nearly 60,000 words. That's after doing a big cull. I'll need to do my formatting to decide if there are too many pages and more culling is needed. There's a lot of dialogue. I've been working on this book for nearly 2 years and it reads completely different to my blog posts. It has a storyline, characters, from my advocacy journey as Bipolar Courage. It's now around 1am and I need to let my brain rest after I've been working hard retyping part of a chapter. I'll have a snack and head to bed. I'll probably end up sleeping in, but that's okay. journal entryI thought I'd quickly type this blog post with something symbolic (full context will be understood when read the book).
I also noted it in my journal. I tend to write a blog post if I want to comment on something more significant to me that isn't really going into my books. I can find it easier to type than to handwrite (see my messy writing below), although scribbling something actually captures my mood state (bigger, messier & colours in felt pen = more elevated). I only add a journal entry if it's very significant to me, just like I now only write a blog post if it's significant. Most of my energy is directed into the actual book writing.
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Xanthe Wyse('Zan-thee Wise'). Disclaimer: the author of this blog is not an expert by profession and her opinions should not be taken as expert advice.
August 2024