Going through journals to extract anything of use to my creative projects before burning the journals. Came across something I was amused at so sharing it here. Not many people know this story. I did the painting because I was upset about a situation and telling myself to blank it out (I'm the sunflower). Journal extract from 5 years agoI need a goal after I finish Pet Purpose. Maybe I’ll write a children’s book? Illustrate one I’ve written? Like Hot Air: Rise above it? (painting sold $200). [An arty teenager] said: "That toad looks like Mum". Rather funny. Not being told the real story that the toad is based on her mother. Always having a creative project gives me meaning. Inspired a storyI only changed the anecdote slightly, to put into Pet Purpose: Your Unspoken Voice (semiautobiographical novel about a character trying to resolve grief and trauma). Of course, I'm not going to say who the 'toad' is. It's based on a grumpy pic I saw of a grumpy person making drama and there's a reason why authors use disguise. Let's just say there's often more truth than fiction in 'fiction.' The 'toad' will make an appearance in the sequel, Soar Purpose. I did actually draft a story from the painting, that I could turn into a children's story with illustrations if I ever want something to do. Not sure if I'll ever get around to it. Pet Purpose has mature themes and it's my most intense and complex painting with words, to date (possibly in my lifetime). Pet PUrpose: Your Unspoken VoicePet Purpose: Your Unspoken Voice, is actually mostly memories, pulled apart and reassembled creatively (composite characters, fictious places etc). Some parts are almost full memoir. Readers admitted they didn't know which parts.
It's available from Amazon as an ebook and paperback. Also from major ebook distributors. I am currently doing the preparation to resume writing Soar Purpose. Which includes picking through old journals for inspiration.
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Xanthe Wyse('Zan-thee Wise'). Disclaimer: the author of this blog is not an expert by profession and her opinions should not be taken as expert advice.
August 2024